Friday, August 8, 2008


a name for my doggy zai --> doogi =p
mogi punya heng dai.

today is a super the special day as it is 08.08.08.
and i am doing nothing.
watching tv for the glorious Olympic Open ceremony
and at the same time celebrate my dad and mum 20th wedding anniversary.
my dad and mum is not those romantic type of people.
so we just stay home and eat bak kut teh -_-ll
(sounds so wrong and no feel la...not even flower for my mum,typical dad of mine =p)

i just hope next time my hubby wont be like that..
but oh well,still a long way to find my lao gong zai.
now focus on my son doogi.
sorry larh,i too dak han nothing to do.
my mum rampas tv with me T_T

well, i dont know,even myself feel tat i look like a kid larh. -_-ll

doogi being nerd

doogi has a head which is bigger than his body =p =p =p

and he merajuk when i took to many pic of him T_T

end of post. --

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