Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Earthquake in Malaysia???

this is freaking me out...
a slight earthquake yesterday when i was eating like a fat pig.
and i felt nothing about it -_-ll
Klang Valley felt the strongest vibration of all.
and it is not those kinda phone vibration on your leg
a detailed news reported by TheStar Online.

so there is a small meeting here.
siao us discuss bout the best place to hide.
and that will be
the store room!

because it gt food and strong pillars.
but how to fit in it when all of my cousin sisters in XXL size?

the world is changing.
and it is getting horrible >_< p/s: how am i going to survive when i am so insensitive?
......i think of buying Phua CHu Kang's helmet to protect my head.

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