Tuesday, January 20, 2009
suspected to get dengue or chikungunya fever or Lymphocytic Choriomeningtis Virus from hamster T_T
now is good that college start late or not i need to buy tons of long sleeve shirt,stocking,boots whatever to cover my raches...sigh.
going to do blood test tomorrow and hope everything will be ok. =(
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
(Aunty Talk Post) ...Table Cloth, Potato & Steak
Luckily this time my sibeh mood just maintained for half a day then go *poof*
seems that I have success in my meditation *eyes tearing*
I guess i just want my 2009 to be a happy and enjoyable year with the newest anti FIL action woohoo!
as for the table cloth,potato and steak aunty talk-the hottest topic in the aunty 8 world....
neither am i going to work as a waitress swt.
or am i hungry....
is just something me and lcy talk about the last time we cook porridge on the phone.
she started it first and we talked for....erm...3 and the half hours?
so much of steaks and potatos.
and how i was brought back to those old imagination when we are kids,primary school kids, or secondary school kids.
when our mind still floating in the sky and imagining the impossible things and some.
it really come true....
but oh well,for some part,but NOT all the part ngam mou lcy.
have fun talkin,talkin, and keep talkin with the topic and lets spread the beaniez-ism towards the world *meditation pose*
sorry for my hyper-ness,i really dunno whats going wrong with my neuron,neuron transmiter,medula oblangata ( it just comes into my mind of what i learnt last time in my biology class).
oh,and less update because its
redocorating, and re-allocating my new coffee meditation assignment place at popo home.
re-paint,renew my home furniture for home.
all the fresh-ness for 2009.
For the first time i am so eagerly looking forward for my days in 2009.
especially the start of something new part. *hearts*
I hope everybody have the same feeling as mine too =)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Not Happy....
and in sibeh mood again(for me sibeh means in a sei mood)..
i am losing my battling spirit.
I always put efforts in my work.
but the result is not what i am looking for.
i am putting effort,but am i doing it in the wrong way,or apa?
tolong larh saya.
well, i am slacken in my second semester i guess.
the same on semester 1.
i never though of New Year Resolution,but i think i got one now,
its time to stop drama acting and dreaming and get my ass back into studies like i never did it before.
Friday, January 2, 2009
P. Ramlee likes to eat Satay Kambing..
and now it is back,my whole new baby!
Feel fresh using it for my goody new 2009. =)
and i think next time my blog will be more to posting pictures and less on talking.
i know i talk too much sometimes.sobsobsob.
As for the reason why i know P. Ramlee like to eat satay kambing.
because beaniez sang k on the last day of 2008, and we suddenly have the idea of singing P. Ramlee song---> Satay.
is a nice song ok!you can try it when next time karaoke session.
Things happen on the day of countdown.
Wong Kok Car Can Teng for dinner.nice view.but the food really ng dim.a lot of seafood.
outside of Pavillion.we though of running into LV if any crowd outrage happened.hahaha
and beaniez again.thanks to their friend ah pek the photographer.
10:30pm--inside of Coffee Ban cafe to wait for fireworks strategic view.erm.....we are stalking some turquoise T shirt guy cause he and his gang rampas strategic place to watch fireworks.
some unknown guy suddenly pose for me and give me some flirtatous look, really LOL for the last day of 2008
one minute before 2008 ended
last minute ss-ness before i am 20
and there goes the celebration with balloons...
and girlfriends =)
another significant number.the time i went back to onggie house.first time.damn scared larh.like small kid did wrong things punya feel swt.
it is me and my beaniez first time to celebrate New Year with a bunch of crowd.
i guess it is a special experience for three of us the ah sam to go there.
life is filled with sweet bitterness.
but it worth living when it comes with appreciation.
once again Happy Moo Moo Cow Year everybody!!!!!
for those that i didnt send sms to, must be i lost your number swt.
byebye sibeh 2008 & hello 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) =)
..............as for the new year wishes I wish for under all the fireworks and Coffee Bean Cafe, its a secret.
I hope it will come true.
Qi Dai-ing~